Hello! Wow, I cannot believe how fast the last month has flown by! Madelyn (and all of us) have been very, very busy!
She has been getting to know her furry brothers...
Hanging out with Jackson |

Sleeping with Reggie |
Getting to know Mini Kitty |
She got to meet Grandma and Grandpa Shotton visiting from Kentucky!
Meeting BJ visiting from Salt Lake City and thanking him and his family for all of the baby stuff she uses ALL the time!!! {THANK YOU Johnson family so much - we MISS you guys!!!}
Meeting Sam and thanking her for fixing Daddy's hair!
Madelyn attended her first
Miracle League game to see Uncle Jon get his trophy. One day she will get to be his buddy!
We also had a very special visit from Aunt Carolyn from Indiana and her first Skype with her Portland cousins!
Madelyn also had her first "professional" photo shoot when Aunt Deena and Uncle Mark came to visit from Orange County, CA.
She also spent time with the Newf's and hosted her first Boxing Party!
Mike, Raquel and Madelyn |
She eats a lot but still is little but very long - she fits into 3 month clothes in length but not in the belly!
She is a very good sleeper - normally she will eat around 7:30 PM, then 11:30 PM and then sleeping until about 4-5 AM then eat and play until about 7:30 AM then sleep. We both consider this great since Brad will take the 11:30 PM feeding so I can sleep from about 9:30 PM to 4:00 AM! She is still in our room and does not like her crib but it is so much easier to have her sleep next to us at night.
Overall, it was a great month! She is such a fun loving little person and brings a lot of happiness to everyone around her. Everywhere we go with her people comment on her hair - every. single. person.
Next up is a visit from Cindy and Mike!